Patient Education
Educating Patients on Dental Services in Tunbridge Wells, Kent
Diet plays an important role in maintaining good dental health. All sugars cause decay and by reducing your sugar intake, especially in-between meals, you can significantly reduce the change of decay and other health problems. This is much easier said than done as sugar is hidden in many every day foods. Almost all processed foods have sugar in them and the higher up it appears in the list of ingredients, the more sugar there is.
Aside from decay, food and drinks can also cause erosion (the gradual dissolving of the tooth’s enamel) depending on how acidic they are. Items such as red wine, and vinegar are very acidic whereas food and drink, such as still mineral water, bread and cheese, are all high alkaline and help negate the effects of the acidic foods.
It is best for your teeth for you to eat three meals daily as opposed to having more frequent, smaller meals. However, if you need to snack between meals try and choose foods that do not contain sugar and are not too acidic. Savoury snacks such as cheese, nuts, raw vegetables and breadsticks are generally a safer option. The main point to remember is that, for your teeth, it is not the amount of sugar you consume but the frequency so try and stick to having anything sweet at mealtimes.
Dental decay occurs when the enamel and the dentine (the middle layer) of the tooth become softened by an acid attack after you have eaten or drunk anything containing sugar and over time, this acid makes a cavity in the tooth. In the early signs of decay, there are often no symptoms however your dentist may be able to spot a cavity when they examine or x-ray your teeth which is why it is important to maintain your regular dental visits.
The best way to prevent decay is to brush your teeth thoroughly twice daily with a fluoride toothpaste and cut down on the amount of sugar and acidic food and drink you consume. It is important to visit your dental team on a regular basis as your hygienist will be able to show you where you need to take the most care when cleaning and the best way to do so and your dentist will be able to spot any early signs of decay.
Wisdom teeth
Adults can have up to 32 teeth, the wisdom teeth being the last to appear, usually between the ages of 17-25. Sometimes, if people to not have the space for the wisdom teeth to come through properly, they can come through at an angle which can cause problems. If there is enough room they will often come through into position, causing no more problems than any other tooth. It is especially important to maintain excellent oral hygiene around your wisdom teeth if they are coming through as if part of the tooth has appeared through the gum and part of it is still covered, food and bacteria can collect in the area, causing the area to become sore.
To help relieve gum soreness and inflammation, a saltwater mouthwash can help- to make this, mix a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water (make sure you check it is not too hot before using it!.). Swish the salt water around the tooth, trying to get into the areas your toothbrush cannot reach. Do this several times a day. An antibacterial mouthwash containing chlorhexidine can also reduce the inflammation. Pain killers can also be useful in the short term but give our team a call and we will be happy to assist.
Gum disease
Gum disease is an inflammation of the gum line that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. The three stages of gum disease — from least to most severe — are gingivitis, periodontitis and advanced periodontitis. It is most common in adults but can occur at any age.
Symptoms include: red, swollen, tender or bleeding gums, persistent bad breath or taste, loose teeth and gum recession however it is possible to have no warning signs. Developing gum disease can be caused by many factors such as: poor oral hygiene, smoking, genetics, pregnancy, medication and diabetes. If you have any concerns regarding the health of your gums, contact your dentist as the sooner you treat it the better.
Fear of the dentist
Dental anxiety is a common problem and we do our very best to put you at ease- it is imperative that you feel in control and informed about any treatments. Dental anxiety and phobias are different for everyone so please speak to a member of our team about any fears you have and we will work together to overcome them and find the best way of dealing with them.
Your dentist will talk you through your appointment or procedure and we will answer any questions you may have.
Some people find it is helpful to bring a mobile phone or iPod with them so you are able to listen to your own music as a distraction from the treatment. There are also simple relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation you can do at home that may help.
We are pleased to able to offer Intravenous (IV) sedation for treatment with Darshan Boindala.
Patient Care InformationFor more information about any of our dental services, please call our friendly team on 01892 526406 and we will be very pleased to assist you.